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Axiell Internet Server
Axiell Internet Server – your collection online, the easy way.
Your collection in Axiell Collections or Adlib can be searched by end-users via Axiell Internet Server. Users can search your collections, pictures and digital media, whilst you are in full control about what records are published and in what way they are presented.
Your database is searched ‘live’, so all search results are always up to date.
There are many possibilities to adapt the Axiell Internet Server application to your own specifications, in order to reflect the character of your organization and to have the design match your website.
Axiell Internet Server has several search options and result presentations. Selections can be saved and printed.
Like all other Axiell software, this module is multi-language, for data as well as the interface.
Axiell Internet Server has a responsive design and complies with the current Web Accessibility guidelines.
AIS uses strictly necessary cookies to improve the user experience.
This AIS also uses analytical cookies.